Feature Writing

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Feature Writing

Do you sometimes wish you could read about news items and stories of interest in a little more depth than the ‘quick fix’ pieces that are increasingly in favour with the media today?

Covering a major story of national or international significance in around 500 words of bite sized bullet points might save both space and time for news editors in both the print and digital mediums of the media. It works. But only in the same way that a fast food takeaway does (ie) sating the immediate appetite but soon leaving you wanting more. It’s an approach that rarely does you, the reader, any favours for the simple reason that it doesn’t explore the story in either the factual depth or detail that it demands.

Editors and publishers deserve a writer who thoroughly researches the subject they are writing about, someone who puts the emphasis on the facts behind that story. This involves writing an in-depth feature that utilises a mix of news writing and narrative story telling techniques (ie) focusing and presenting the facts behind a story but in a way that is as creative as it is informative.

The sort of writing a reader enjoys, talks about and recommends to others.

If you’d like that sort of writing in your publication then get in touch with me today to tell me exactly what you are looking for.

What you’ll get in exchange is a commitment to the research needed to write that quality piece you’re expecting as well as time taken out to thoroughly study the subject in hand. Once I have done all of this preliminary work I will start to write the feature ensuring that it is tailored exclusively for your publication, an in-depth piece of between 5000 and 10000 words that will provide an accurate, objective and compelling piece of copy that treats both the reader and subject with respect.

If you’d like to arrange a meeting with me else just have an informal telephone chat about your feature writing requirements then get in touch with me today.

Effective Copywriting For Your Business

If you have a business to promote then you will need advertising and marketing material to promote it as well as to help it grow and prosper.

Businesses rely on their websites and other promotional materials to persuade people to buy from them or, at the very least, to get in touch. This means  commissioning a good copywriter to capture the very essence of your business on whatever medium you are using to promote it on.

Which will almost certainly be your website, a crucial way of selling yourself and the services you offer whether you are a one person band or a multinational giant employing thousands of people worldwide.

Then there’s all your other promotional materials. Brochures, leaflets, flyers and letters. These more traditional ways of promoting yourself and your business may appear to be a little outdated in the modern digital world but they can still be a very effective way of promoting your business for the following reasons as they are:

  • Cost effective.
  • Include a lot of information.
  • Can (and should be) visually pleasing.
  • Are easy to read.
  • Can target specific demographics.

Your website and all the other methodologies that you use to promote yourself and your business need good copy to work effectively. It’s mission critical. Why on earth would, or should, anyone spend hundreds, maybe thousands of pounds on a new website or some glossy brochures and leaflets only to let themselves down by not investing in the effective copywriting that is needed to go with it?

A good copywriter knows how to write engaging and compelling copy. Words and information that connects with the reader and convinces them that they need to become a customer. Words that don’t only communicate information about your business but will make the end user want your brand.

Whatever your business or individual needs are, I can provide high quality copy for you that works, copy that engages with the reader and makes them want to know more about your product or service.

Let me show you how I can do that. Get in touch today.

Speech Writing & Presentation

Do you have a speech to make and are not clear on what you want to say? Or are even nervous about making it in the first place?

I can help.

I’ve enjoyed preparing and delivering speeches and presentations at all sorts of functions for a number of years now, both in my current role as a writer as well as my ‘past life’ in the corporate world. Let me put all of that experience and expertise into practice with you. Public speaking should be something you enjoy, a chance for you to be the centre of attention and focus of every single person in a room. What better opportunity could there ever be for you to make a really positive impression on others, to be one of the major reasons any private or business function is both a successful and memorable one.

Maybe you have to make a speech as part of your Best Man duties at a wedding? You may have been asked to give a presentation at your place of work or to act as the Master of Ceremonies (MC) at a forthcoming event or celebration.

There really is no need to be apprehensive or nervous about it at all. I can help you devise and write your speech as well as, if you wish, work with you on your presentation and delivery skills ensuring that the whole process is an enjoyable one for you as well as one that entertains your audience.

Proof Reading & Editing

Feature Writing

You may already have some drafted written materials which are in need of an expert eye to read over them in order to look for ways in which they can be improved upon and finished to a very high professional standard.

I can help.

This can include manuscript or document formatting that includes checking and correcting the grammar and spelling as well as drafting and writing a finished piece of work from the rough or draft notes and bullet points that you may already have. I can work with you on a wide variety of print and digital mediums here, for example, from academic essays and dissertations to manuscripts and general copy of all types.

If you have written a book and are looking for guidance and advice into finding a publisher I can do that for you. I can also offer help and assistance about self publishing if required.

Writing Solutions

Good communication, whatever its nature is acceptable. But great communication, written or verbal, should come as standard. It is that standard which I aim for in all of my work, regardless of its scale, budget and target audience and whether your requirements are a 250 word press release for your upcoming village function or a full edit and rewrite for a 250,000 word manuscript with a view to eventual publication with a launch event and publicity, all of which I can arrange and manage on your behalf.

Whatever your written, marketing, promotional and overall communication needs are, I look forward to having the opportunity to discuss them and learn more about you, your business and the aims and objectives you have for that specific project. All enquiries and questions are welcomed and will be treated in a prompt, courteous and professional manner.

I look forward to hearing from you.

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