Talks & Presentations

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I’m always delighted to be asked to come along as a guest of a business, social club/group, school or place of work in order to talk about life as a writer.

The Covid-19 pandemic meant, sadly, that a lot of functions and book-related events that I was invited to attend had to be cancelled. At the time of writing (June 2022) however, the potential for the diary to start filling up again is growing and I am grateful for that as I do enjoy getting out and about and talking about my work and media business.

Sometimes this involves me being asked to talk about a specific book I have written. These are always particularly enjoyable as it gives me the opportunity to go deeper into the whole book writing ‘process’ including my motivations for doing so, the research that needed to be done and the challenges that had to be faced along the way; elements of a talk that always seem to  fascinate an audience with, inevitably, lots of questions being asked about that process during my time with them.

Another pleasure is being invited to read aloud certain passages from one or two of my books. Many of us will, I am sure, remember with enormous pleasure being read to when we were at school by our teachers. I don’t think that pleasure ever dissipates with age and, judging by the response of some of the audience who attend these events, that’s a belief that many of you share.

In 2017 my old primary school, which is in Norfolk, named their yearly literary prize after me. This is an award they give to the pupil whom the teachers believed has shown a particular love and appreciation of literature and writing in general throughout the academic year. It was, and remains, an enormous honour to be afforded such a tribute by a place that will always mean a great deal to me and I look forward to many visits over the coming years to find out more about what is happening at the school and to present the prize to that year’s winner.

This ‘tradition’ has continued ever since and I am looking forward to attending this years (2022) prize giving and end of year assembly at the school later on in the summer.

If you would like me to visit your school to talk about my work and life as a writer or are holding an event or function of any kind and would like me to come along and contribute in any way, do please get in touch.

Whatever sort of event or function you are holding, please do get in touch if you would like me to come along and contribute in anyway.

Interview Ed Balls

                            Interviewing Ed Balls-no dancing was to be seen! (Couzens-Lake Media)

As well as talking about my work I can also act as a host and MC at events if required and am equally happy to give a more formal talk about that work as well as, if required, ‘double up’ for you in another role, for example, if you are running a charity event, quiz or similar event and would like someone to take responsibility for the microphone for the duration and keep things ticking over.

I look forward to hearing from and having the opportunity to meet you in the very near future.

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